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Barbed Wire Tattoos

Barbed Wire Tattoos are basically in spikes shape. Edgy spikes of wires contacting many different sides of spiky wires on a long chain shape of fence. It’s tattooed mostly on arms, shoulder, back and legs. It has many designs and each design has its own specifications and characteristics. In addition it also contains long thorns or pins sticking out. Barbed Wire Tattoo was first tattooed by Lucien B. Smith in 1867, he was from United States of America. First of all this symbol was introduced with intention to keep cattle away from backyard garden and fields.


But later on it was used to control people and helped to keep robbers away. This type of wire was widely used in prisons to keep prisoners inside prison and prevents them to run away. When it comes to Barbed Wire Tattoo, this tattoo has some designs which some of them are defined.

1- The Crown of Thorns

This got its inspirations from crown of thorns which Jesus was made to wear before crucified. It’s symbol of faith and strength in almighty.

2- Years Spent as a Convict

It symbolizes that people kept in jail for many years for committing serious crime as murder. It became very popular between Italians and Russians.

3- I’m Not an Open Book

This type of tattoo is more preferred by those people who are not enough social or they are cruel and enjoy violence. As there is fence with thorns in it so they think that it symbolizes rude and cruel behavior.

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