Star tattoo designs are getting popular as both men and women tattoo designs.These star tattoos are feminine in nature but still men like to get these tattoos.While the ratio of getting star tattoo designs are more in females then males.Women star tattoo designs looks best inked at any body part.But there are some places which supposed to be more attractive and hot with star tattoo designs.In women body the one place which is supposed to be most noticeable is Lower back.Women lower back is a part which flatters your figure,A Women with a star tattoo on lower back always looks stunning and stylish.Star tattoo designs may ink as varies styles and types of star tattoos.These small star tattoos on women lower back looks more stunning then any other simple tattoo.

Star tattoo on lower back may ink in numbers of stars like shooting star tattoos and nautical star tattoos.You may also customized your star tattoo designs as full back star tattoo designs and shooting star tattoos on full back.here i have collected some star tattoo designs for women and lower back star tattoos for girls.Get ideas for women star tattoo designs with girls star tattoo images.